Wednesday, January 2, 2013

2012 Unfinished Projects (UFPs) Update and 2013 Plan

At the beginning of 2011, I recapped my progress on projects here and in 2012 here.  I think this is a good thing to do each year and helps keep me honest.  I always think I'm going to get more done and I get a lot done normally, but not always.

In 2012, I planned to complete:

  • Haunted House large wall quilt
  • Four anniversary wall quilts
  • Two Christmas wall quilts
  • In progress - Witch and Candy wall quilt - all cut out, but needs to be pieced, quilted and bound.
  • In progress - Full quilt (blue, green and pinks that I began in the 12th grade which no longer fits my style, but we could use another quilt around the house.)
  • Nine patch, Mother Goose baby quilt - need to finish piecing, quilt and bind
  • Winter Penguins wall quilt - almost done, I just have to finish the binding
  • Three potholders for a friend
  • SIL3 new baby gift
  • SIL4 new baby gift
  • Mary's Tea Cozy
  • Two Christmas stockings to fill an order

  • I think I got a lot accomplished last year - especially since I have no idea what the two Christmas wall quilts I planned on making are.    AND I made some progress on the witch and HS quilts which I think is even better!  

    In 2012, I plan to complete (among gifts I can't mention):

  • In progress - Witch and Candy wall quilt - all cut out, but needs to be pieced, quilted and bound.
  • In progress - Full quilt (blue, green and pinks that I began in the 12th grade which no longer fits my style, but we could use another quilt around the house.)
  • 4 Anniversary Quilts
  • 3 Canvas pouches for the hubby's chisels
  • Valentine Wall Quilt
  • Memories of Provence BOM
  • Blogger Girl BOM
  • Oxmoor Christmas BOM
  • August Wall Quilt

  • This year, I plan to take on a couple new projects as well - like applique.  I had hoped to begin applique, but in all honesty, I didn't have the time.  However, this semester, I have almost two hours between classes on two days a week. While I expect some time will be spent reading and working on school work, I also expect to be able to work on some handwork. The hubs bought me a book on how to applique for Christmas (he's the best!) so I'm hoping that will help encourage me to take this leap.

    I'm also hoping to complete a few Block of the Months (BOMs).  I signed up for one paid and one free BOMs by Monique Dillard.  The paid one is Memories of Provence using pre-determined fabric and the free one is Blogger Girl for which I have some fat quarters in black, brown and tans.  Then I also want to complete the Oxmoor Christmas BOM.  When I married into this family, my MIL was completing two of these - one for her and one for my husband's youngest sister.  She told me at the time that she had wanted to make one for all her children and with those finishes the girls would be complete. For any number of reasons, ten years later, my husband still doesn't have one. So the last time we were visiting them, I grabbed the binder with the patterns.  This BOM is about 20 years old, but I've got a lot of Christmas fabric and I think I can modernize it a bit.   If it's not too difficult, maybe I'll make my sister(s) one, too.

    Finally, I want to work hard on limiting my spending on quilting and supplies.  My teaching contract was not renewed and I have a sizable stash that I can draw from.  I have so much Christmas fabric that I have not opened a single fat quarter pack from this year's club.  I've decided that until I use a significant amount of it, I'm withdrawing from the fabric club.  I've also been acquiring fabric that I know my sisters like so I don't think I will need much (if anything) to complete their bday or Christmas gifts. 

    So those are my sewing goals for this year.  What are yours?