Monday, January 28, 2013

Making a little progress

Classes began again on January 7th.  My classes were scheduled for Tuesday and Thursday and Monday night I went to check what rooms I had to go to only to discover that my afternoon class had been moved to Wednesday morning at 9am. Now, keep in mind that I live nearly 3 hours away from campus and this would mean getting up at 4:30am Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday to get to my classes in time.  Luckily, I had an understanding professor and I only have to get up that early on Tuesday and Wednesday instead.  I still have a crap-load of reading and homework each week, though. It's taken a few weeks to develop a  routine... to be honest, I'm still working on it.

I did get caught up on my Memories of Provence BOM. Of course, the next round of block kits arrived the following day. But for a night I was caught up!

And I started to work on my February wall quilt. I honestly haven't made much more progress than where I was in this picture, but I have made some by stealing a half hour here and another there.  

I may (or may not) have this done in time for Valentine's Day, but it will be close.

Finally, there are apparently big plans in progress for my mom's 60th birthday. So when I'm not reading or taking notes in class... I'm trying to figure out what I'm going to do for it since I won't be able to travel for her day (her birthday falls in the middle of April which is pretty much the worst time for me to get away).  I have a few ideas, but I'm not very thrilled with the plans yet.

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