Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm a Winner!!

It's not often, but occasionally I enter giveaways that blogs have.  A lot of the time these giveaways don't interest me much because I am of the mindset that if I can't see myself using it more than once, why clutter the house with it?  I hate clutter.

Anyway, Henry Glass & Co. is one of my favorite fabric manufacturers and they had a giveaway on their blog a couple weeks ago of the most adorable snowmen fabric.  I posted my reply and promptly forgot about it because I never win.  Lo and behold, yesterday they announced the winner.  I was reading along and it took a couple seconds for it to sink in that the winner was ME!!!!!!!!!!  You can read the announcement here.  The only problem is they want a picture... I don't have pictures.  I'm usually the one behind the camera... hmmm...

You should follow the Henry Glass & Co. blog, too.