Wednesday, May 30, 2012

WIP Wednesday

Working on a project I planned last fall.  I think the young lady this is meant for will be thrilled when this is complete.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Change of plans

The original plan was to complete the quilt I began in the twelfth grade.  So, I opened the box and found:

OK, this is what I thought it was.  I can do this.  However, the next things out of the box were:

Um... OK. Precut...some already sewn together.  Now keep in mind that this had to have occurred about 20 years ago which means that it was before rotary cutters and acrylic rulers which also means that nothing is exactly square and/or the same size. Instead of dealing with it right then, I moved on to another project which I should be able to show you in a few days.  I have ideas on how to adjust/fix the 12th grade project, but not willing to tackle it just yet.

The other adjustment I had to make was we adopted this cutie two Mondays ago and for the first ten days, I was alone with her.  M is four months old and we think a German Shepherd/Boxer mix.  She doesn't like to be alone, is still learning to be house-broken, and developing a relationship with our geriatric cats (10 and 11 years old) so spending time in the sewing room has been a bit of a challenge.  But isn't she adorable??

Monday, May 28, 2012

Happy Memorial Day!

Today of all days, I hope you take a few moments to remember those who have fought for our freedoms.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Another Finish - SIL3's blanket

Saturday, we made a special trip after commencement to rural Midwest to see SIL3 and her family.  Their newest addition arrived last Friday (May 4) and the hubs wanted to see his new nephew before he left on his big trip.  I literally finished tying off the blanket as we drove up their driveway.  Here's a picture of the finished product:

And here it is in use that very evening!

Baby W is SO adorable!

It was only overnight, but definitely a good trip!  We were so pleased to meet baby W and to see his sisters again.  It's always good to be loved so much.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


Last year, the hubs bought me the Electric Quilt 7 software program for my birthday.  I'd seen the EQ7 advertised in various quilting magazines, but I had no idea he had seen it anywhere.  It's been a little frustrating because I have not been able to play with the program at all since receiving it in November.  When school is in session, I do not have much time for anything else. 

Today, I have a haircut appointment in the morning.  It is tradition for me to then go to the local quilt shop since it is on the same side of town.  So, I stopped by the shop and asked about classes hoping that there'd be something I could take over the summer.  It turns out they are not planning anything until fall.  UGH.  How disappointing.  So, feeling a little frustrated, I came home and sat down to learn my EQ7 program. 

I really like this program! I have some fabric that I have had since the 12th grade.  The fabric no longer fits my style and I have since lost the pattern, but I remember that it was comprised of two repeated blocks: a nine-patch and a diamond in the square.  I played with the software to recreate the pattern.  Last year, I bought several yards of a fabric for borders that was similar in coloring to the blue calico I have for the squares.  So, I know I want a 4" border.  I also still have the queen-sized flannel sheet I bought for the backing as well.

So, using the program, I first created this version:

This was how I remember the blocks (I have two practice blocks packed away in the same box as the fabric, but not overly handy).  But after seeing all of them together, I don't think it's right.  So, I played a little more with the colors.  This is version B:

I think this might be right, but I'm not positive.  So version C:

Hmmm... a little too much white.  Let's see if I reversed the colors on the diamond in the square block... Version D:

That's not bad either. What do you all think?  I have a favorite and so does Dr. J.  What version would you choose?

This is going to be the first project I start next week.  This week I'm trying to complete a baby blanket.  More on that later.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Facebook Challenge

In January 2011, there was a thing going on around Facebook.  Essentially, the offer was the first three people to respond to the post would receive something handmade from the poster within three months to a year.  I responded to three "friends" and had three people respond to me. As it turns out (as I write this more than 17 months later) only one of my friends has fulfilled this promise and while I have had it on my "to-do" list for those 17 months, between my then job, the flooding, the moving starting school, etc I have not been able to fulfill my promise... yet.

One of those people who responded to me stated that they would love something handmade, but that they wouldn't/couldn't make the same promise.  They wanted some potholders if possible and their favorite color was orange.  I've had the fabric for nearly the whole time and was finally able to finish the project over this year's Spring Break.  I sent the package earlier this week and it should arrive today or tomorrow at the latest so I feel comfortable revealing the project here.

I used the same block, but reversed the layout to make two similar, but different potholders.    If I had thought about it better, I would have included more of a seam allowance.  After I added the batting and the Insul-Bright, the seam allowance kind of disappeared.

I think they turned out nice and bright and cheery!

Add a couple business cards and they're ready to be mailed.

Stay tuned for more projects completing the challenge.  It was hard for me to decide on projects since I'm not really sure what the crafty taste of these FB friends are, but I think I have decided on what to do for the remaining friends and my last final project is due tomorrow (Friday).  That means all my time will be devoted to sewing and gardening.  I can't wait!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm a Winner!!

It's not often, but occasionally I enter giveaways that blogs have.  A lot of the time these giveaways don't interest me much because I am of the mindset that if I can't see myself using it more than once, why clutter the house with it?  I hate clutter.

Anyway, Henry Glass & Co. is one of my favorite fabric manufacturers and they had a giveaway on their blog a couple weeks ago of the most adorable snowmen fabric.  I posted my reply and promptly forgot about it because I never win.  Lo and behold, yesterday they announced the winner.  I was reading along and it took a couple seconds for it to sink in that the winner was ME!!!!!!!!!!  You can read the announcement here.  The only problem is they want a picture... I don't have pictures.  I'm usually the one behind the camera... hmmm...

You should follow the Henry Glass & Co. blog, too.