I've never given advent much thought. We don't have kids in our household and the days leading up to Christmas is a very busy time about here. As a result, we are rather boring by putting mini candybar bites in our calendar's pockets and forgetting about it.
(The advent calendar my MIL made for us.)
But last year I made an advent calendar for my sister and her family (who do have small children). She posted a question on Facebook that asked what ideas others had for putting in the pockets. One woman suggested a small lego project to build little by little each day which I thought was amazingly clever! However, the more I thought about it, the more I worried about lost pieces and/or choking hazards.
So, my question to you, dear readers, is what non-food items would you suggest putting in the pockets (about 2"x2")?
(The advent calendar I made for my sister's family)