Sunday, September 26, 2010

It's That Time of Year!

This weekend I got the tubs of Christmas fabric out to assess where I am, what fabrics I have, prep the last few fat quarters (wash, trim, iron and fold), and start planning some of my Christmas projects.

I have plans for these, although, probably not together.

This next set may or may not get made into a stocking.  It's a difficult individual and I'm not positive they would like/want the red.  They didn't want anything "whimsical" and I think they might consider the floral on the red a type of whimsy.

I like this set, but think this recipient might deserve a bit more funk.


  1. Love how the fabric is so nicely folded in tubs, very visual and easy to find what you want!

  2. Thanks, Lisa. I do find it handy more often than not... although, occasionally, I want to do a project in a certain design group and have forgotten all of the pieces that go in it. *Sigh* live and learn! :o)
