So, anyone who's been reading this blog form the beginning (all one of you) knows I began this very cute winter penguin wall quilt nearly two years ago.
Since moving to this apartment I've been re-discovering several false starts. Dr. BB really likes this pattern and has been bugging me to make it for a while. So, when I was looking for the fabric I used to make the tea cozy this past weekend and came across the Ziplock bag containing the pattern and pieces I'd already cut out (smart, huh?) I knew there was no better time for the 'guins to resurface. One small problem...
I had cut out their feet, noses, hats, scarves, mittens, vests and earmuffs, but I never cut out their heads or bodies! What was I thinking?? I have to be honest, I'm not looking forward to cutting those pieces out. I REALLY want to begin a pieced quilt, but need to finish a few UFPs before I could do so without a lot of guilt. More pictures to follow as I make progress on this project.
Do you have any UFPs?